The fourth installment of a wacky, entertaining graphic novel series for early readers, Pea, Bee, & Jay: Farm Feud features another sixty-four pages of crisp, clear storytelling, punny dialogue, and endearing characters, perfect for fans of Narwhal and Jelly.
Disaster strikes when these best friends butt heads!
Fans of Pea, Bee, & Jay's first three books will be stoked to come along on the trio's newest adventure, where they'll learn that while keeping the gang together isn't always easy, it's always worth it.
After a heated argument leaves Pea and Bee on the hunt for new friends, Jay is left all alone. While Pea tries to make a new crew with Blueberry and Lenny the bee, Bee teams up with a high-strung Acorn and Pea's batty old Gramps (what the heck, Gramps?!). And Jay? Well, let’s just say Jay takes matters into his own wings.
Can the trio figure out how to make up, or will this be the last of Pea, Bee, and Jay?
- Paperback: 64 pages
- Publisher: HarperAlley (January 4, 2022)
- ISBN-13: 978-0062981257