MetroWest Spiritual Book Group
Welcome to the MetroWest Spiritual Book Group. We’ll gather monthly from October through June at Aesop's Fable, to discuss a book, essay, short story or play that reflects spiritual themes, like generosity, forgiveness, hope, or justice.
Open to everyone of any faith, all faiths, no faith. All that’s needed is curiosity. We ask participants to make their best commitment to regular attendance.

Reverend John Hudson
Discussions will be led by Reverend John Hudson, author of “Spiritually Speaking”, a weekly column that explores the intersection of faith and popular culture and appears in newspapers throughout Massachusetts. He also pastors the Pilgrim Church in Sherborn.
You may purchase the books at a discount from Aesop's Fable. The group is limited to 12 members and we ask that you please register online.
Upcoming Book Group Discussions
On break until the fall
Past Discussions

Plainsong by Kent Haruf

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas