Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier
August 1, 2020 (by Tara Repucci)
I am so damn picky about thrillers. So damn picky that I rarely read them. Thriller snob, I tell you. Then not one but two friends recommended Little Secrets to me, so I read it immediately. Like Don Draper on a whiskey binge, I could not put it down. Yes, I am now a fan of a contemporary domestic thriller (even if I did guess how it would end before I was halfway through it all). Read this when you are in the mood for an addictive suspense novel that will keep you up hours past your bedtime. Do not read this if you’ve got little-to-no patience for rich white people. It is You by Caroline Kepnes meets Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
Best paired with a skirt steak taco, extra guac, extra cheese, extra tomatoes. XO, Tara