Think Again by Adam Grant
June 1, 2021 (by Jessica Girotti)
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I started listening to an audio version of this book but ended up purchasing the print version as well because there were so many things I wanted to re-read and highlight and share with EVERYONE. Think Again is about the importance of being open to new ideas and to repeatedly questioning things that we’ve previously held up as true. Grant shows the importance of this in the business world by highlighting the rise and fall of the Blackberry (among others) but also how important it is in how we talk to (and argue with) others. If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated by a highly polarized social media dispute (and who hasn’t) this book is for you. Grant offers insights into how to have more effective and productive discussions and to be learn from and be inspired by disagreements rather than fired up and frustrated.
Jess' Bookshelf