In the fifth installment of this early reader graphic novel series by Brian "Smitty" Smith, Pea, Bee, and Jay lose track of Pea's batty Gramps and gotta get him back!
Has anybody seen Gramps?
When Pea, Bee, and Jay hear tales of Gramps’s storied youth, they find each tale to be wilder than the last. He once had a pet dog, was a professional wrestling champ, and he even led a jailbreak out of a can of peas. Un-pea-lievable!
But when Gramps goes missing, it’s up to the trio to bring him home. Will they find the kernel of truth in Gramps’s tall tales and reunite Gramps with his family?
- Paperback: 64 pages
- Publisher: HarperAlley (November 8, 2022)
- ISBN-13: 978-0063236684